Thursday, August 1, 2013



Do you know you can be your own boss and stop mortgaging your time with a job that rarely gives you fulfillment? How long will you remain at this spot making the same complaints? How long will you nurse this idea and when will you write your own story?

Don’t get me wrong; there is no crime working with government or private company provided you are enjoying it. Perhaps there is no market at all or the situation is gradually leading to a disguised unemployment, why not create your own market? If the market is jam-packed and you have what it takes to create your own, what are you waiting for? The earlier, the better!

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle

Dear reader, there is a potential in you that the world is looking for; this generation is eagerly waiting for your arrival and you cannot afford to disappoint us. You are too loaded to die loaded. You must affect this generation in the positive and make indelible marks.

Do I hear you complaining about Economic Situation, Political Manipulation, Insecurity, Market Cabals, Startup Capital, Time, Competition, Risk, Pirating among many more? See, you can never have a perfect environment. I bet you! When you focus on your weaknesses, you fence yourself with impossibilities. 

Before I drop my pen, let me kindly share with you two (2) common reasons why people fail to start;

The first one is what I call ‘BIG SHOW MENTALITY’. The number one reason why some people fail to launch their idea is the mindset to start big. No, it does not work that way; every great company in the world today started small. The only thing that starts from the top is grave. “Start with what you have from where you are.” Sam Adeyemi

The second one is what I call ‘BIG INCOME MENTALITY’. Another impression you must erase when you are planning to start small is ‘Big Income Mentality’. The probability of meeting your target for the first time is always low except the market is new. At the beginning, you may not get the same amount of money you were receiving in your former work, your income may not reach 50% of your former salary, there might not be any allowance, your expenses might be drastically reduced, there might not be provision to change your wardrobe but the joy is, you are now one of the market operators (an employer of labour).

All you need is DECISION, decision to summon the courage and start small, decision to take the risk and get the return, decision to deny yourself of the social enjoyment and plow back the profit no matter the condition, decision to overcome the business challenges and beat the competition.

Welcome to the NEW MARKET.

Teniola Kehinde
Your Success Partner
© YoungPaths INT’L

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