Wednesday, June 12, 2013

YoungPaths INT'L

YoungPaths INT'L is a Youth led Non Government Organization with focus on Knowledge, People and Community.  Our mandate is to build the broken walls and bring out the best in every individual, community and nation.  All this we achieve through insight, empowerment and development.
Parts of our interests include;
Youth Development, Women Development, Gender Equality, Leadership Training, Entrepreneurship Training, Rural Community Development, Peace Advocacy, ICT Training, Consulting, Project Management among others.

*      Training
*      Empowerment 
*      Development

Building the broken walls and raising a new generation, formidable and capable to champion new development and transformation

Charting a new path for human and community development and engaging people in solving problem

Building for better tomorrow

*  To discover the latent talents in young ones, develop people’s intellectual properties, strengthen the human development of every nation and consequently raise world-class human capital;
*  To empower women, engage them in leadership and development so as to bridge gender disparity gap
*  To promote entrepreneurial skills and rekindle the interest of young people in vocational trainings in a quest to make every nation achieve international stardom;
*  To raise IT compliant citizenry, make the whole world a global village so as to achieve global partnership;
*  To inculcate the concept of democratic governance into every citizen for peaceful coexistence and corruption-free leadership;
*  To raise our communities from deterioration to beauty, build crisis-free community; befitting and livable for every citizenry;
*  To manage any project with necessary skills and expertise in order to achieve the needed and expected results...

Olofa Estate,
Prime Area, Ofatedo,
Osogbo, Osun State

+234 (0) 8033548342
+234 (0) 8153469954

Monday, June 10, 2013


In a densely populated country like ours where unemployment has become the order of the day, entrepreneurship is not only an option but a must for all and sundry.

Erroneously, many people believe that entrepreneurship is meant for the lower class, unemployed, or probably low salary earners.  On the other hand, entrepreneurship does not only solve societal problems but also creates multiple streams of income.

There was a man who was given the assignment of maintaining security during a wedding ceremony.  But as he was carrying out the assignment, he discovered that many of the guests were looking around frantically to see how to ease themselves. Most were urinating in the open ground.
Before you know, an idea came to him that those respected guests would not mind a descent convenience if provided. That was how Isaac Durojaiye a.k.a. Otunba Gaddaffi (of blessed memory) got the idea of a mobile toilet; he just turned a simple idea into a money making machine.  In less than a decade later, he became a multi-millionaire.

The best way to generate idea(s) is to discover people’s need(s) or problem(s).  The more problems you discover, the more business opportunities you stand to have.  For example, people cannot live without eating, it is impossible for people to be working nakedly, people’s hair must be catered for, people must make calls, children must go to school, travelling is a must for everybody etc.

Another way to generate idea is to focus on what you can do best; it is a general phenomenon that everybody is good at one or two things which we usually call hobby(s).

You can visit us @ YoungPaths for intensive training on Entrepreneurship and Business Development.

Olofa Estate,
Prime Area, Ofatedo,
Osogbo, Osun State

+234 (0) 8033548342
+234 (0) 8153469954 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

D I S – C O V E R

 D I S – C O V E R
 A keen look at the above topic describes the word DISCOVER as a combination of DIS, a prefix which means to undo or remove from and COVER which means lid, veil or an unpleasant situation covering or protecting the existence and availability of something.

Going by the definitions above, to discover simply means to remove every blockage hindering an access to valuable and precious things of life.  

Gold is one of the precious natural resources but it takes a lot of excavations to dis-cover it. Everything you are enjoying today was under cover; they were made known through the efforts of great men (people who took great steps to discover).  Nothing good comes easy!

Life is a bundle of opportunities, embedded inside us and it is only those who discover that can take the recovery.  Ideas are born every second, every minute, every hour and every day but many are yet to discover theirs. The good news is that the world has not been fully created; there are still many untapped resources.

Do you want to discover potential, avail opportunities and make lasting impact in this generation?

Visit us @ YoungPaths for capacity building;

Olofa Estate,
Prime Area, Ofatedo,
Osogbo, Osun State

+234 (0) 8033548342
+234 (0) 8153469954 


~  The greatest problem of productivity is insensitivity and the greatest barrier to sensitivity is activity. 

~ It is not a crime to fail; the greatest crime is feeling comfortable in the midst of failures.

~  If you are not ready to take the risk, forget the reward. Life is far above dreaming; you must be ready to dare.

~ The dangerous person to travel with is a desperate mind; he/she goes everywhere but gets nowhere. 

~ Desperation is the father of frustration. Beware!  

~ Until your mind is built, physical struggles are inevitable.  

~ Show me a man without PEN and PAPER and I will show you a man without PLAN; going nowhere to happen and happening everywhere to fumble and crumble.

~ No matter how wealthy you are, if your mind is poor, you are also poor. 

~ If you read books and you write down nothing, you are only catching fun.  

~ A beautiful face on an empty head is nothing but a well sculptured image.

~ The solutions to most of our problems are in our library; the real problem is inability to check it.

~ The greatest change that can ever happen to a man is to see problems as opportunities.

~ No matter how good or bad your past was, it can never be a substitute for your present and neither can it be better than your future.

~ If you are thirty years plus and you don't have a single book on your purpose/career, you are already late.

~ Until your relationship becomes personal with God, your blessings remain general.

 *Profit without Performance
 *Success without Service
 *Reward without Risk
 **  Increase without Input
~ If you have books on reward, but have none on risk, your  success is daydream.

~ Most times, we treat God as robot in prayer; we deliver our message without waiting for His response but we fail to understand that prayer is a dialogue and not a monologue. 

~ Life is like a string; you do not get the best until you stretch it. 

~ Show me a vision without obstruction(s) and i will show you a man with fanciful and vague dream. 

~ Objection does not amount to failure and failure is never an end product. 

~ Many desire to travel the road to success without obstacles; unknown to them that obstacles are spectacles through which we get directions to our destinations. 

~ Books are hooks that bring out the best in us.