Friday, June 7, 2013


Skill acquisition is a prominent tool in advocating self-employment and reducing unemployment in the society.

In order to achieve the above goal and in line with our focus - building capacity - YoungPaths decided to embark on Liquid Soap Training as part of the efforts to empower the youths.

Undoubtedly, soap production is all-time skill needed by everyone because soap is one of the most essential household items that humans use daily. It commands constant demand in the market place. It is in the group of useful commodities like food items, water, clothing and shelter that we cannot do without.

Soap production business is lucrative and offers reliable and constant revenue for business men and women. Different types of soap are produced daily and they include - laundry soap, bathing soap, antiseptic soap, herbal medicated soap, detergent, liquid soap and a host of others. The methods and modes of producing them and the chemicals used are slightly different. The focus of this training is Liquid Soap Production.

For intensive training, kindly contact us at;

Olofa Estate,
Prime Area, Ofatedo,
Osogbo, Osun State

+234 (0) 8033548342
+234 (0) 8153469954

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