Sunday, June 9, 2013

D I S – C O V E R

 D I S – C O V E R
 A keen look at the above topic describes the word DISCOVER as a combination of DIS, a prefix which means to undo or remove from and COVER which means lid, veil or an unpleasant situation covering or protecting the existence and availability of something.

Going by the definitions above, to discover simply means to remove every blockage hindering an access to valuable and precious things of life.  

Gold is one of the precious natural resources but it takes a lot of excavations to dis-cover it. Everything you are enjoying today was under cover; they were made known through the efforts of great men (people who took great steps to discover).  Nothing good comes easy!

Life is a bundle of opportunities, embedded inside us and it is only those who discover that can take the recovery.  Ideas are born every second, every minute, every hour and every day but many are yet to discover theirs. The good news is that the world has not been fully created; there are still many untapped resources.

Do you want to discover potential, avail opportunities and make lasting impact in this generation?

Visit us @ YoungPaths for capacity building;

Olofa Estate,
Prime Area, Ofatedo,
Osogbo, Osun State

+234 (0) 8033548342
+234 (0) 8153469954 

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