Friday, June 7, 2013



THE HORSEWOMAN by Teniola Kehinde Oke is a spark of potential; a book of courage, optimism and realism; giving birth to giants in men and bringing out the best in every woman. It revitalizes and enhances self-esteem through self-discovery; bridging gender disparity gap and empowering minds for better performance. It delivers minds from the world of illusion and tradition; implanting new mindscapes for positive change. This book is an audacity of imagination; a catalyst for individual emancipation, community integration and national transformation.

THE HORSEWOMAN is a factional story about Habsat, Zainab and Fauziyyat. Unlike her friends, Habsat demonstrated exemplary style of an eagle. She never allowed tradition to bury her vision. Through sound education and judicious expression, she overcame the aged historical illusion. Habsat bravery points to the fact that development is inevitable when men and women compliment each other.

Apparently, no appreciable development can be made either at the local, national or international level without recognizing girls and women as equal players. In the words of UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, “When we empower women, we empower communities, nations and entire human family”.

This book is hereby presented to the general public so as to resuscitate the latent strengths in every being. This book will also serve as a PUSH to many other people who are yet to discover their purpose and direction in life.

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